Sunday, October 19, 2014

Conviction and Resolution

Hello, friends!

I was having lunch with a few of my friends Saturday and a thought came to mind so I asked them both this question:

Have either of your churches made any reference, or even mention, of the racial tensions happening in St. Louis and what the role of the Church (Capital "C") is supposed to be in the midst of the tragedy?

Both men thought about it for a bit then both agreed that neither of their churches have made any mention of the incident in the 2 months since it has happened. My church hasn't either.

We're going through a series at church about the Church (with a capital "C") and its role in the Kingdom of God. Our pastor made the points that the Church is supposed to reflect God's power and majesty. I couldn't help but get the feeling that reflecting God's power and majesty also means making note of issues that are happening just down the road from us that are issues of injustice and racial tension. I can't speak for other churches in the community but I can't help but feel like we are letting the Church down by not making this a point of conversation.

Of course, that immediately made me think of my own ministry and sphere of influence. I've done my best to make mention of Ferguson in the teachings that we have on Wednesday nights but I'm sure there is more that could be done. In some ways, I feel paralyzed by ignorance; I don't know what to do from 120 miles west of where everything happened. But, I'm sure there's something I can be doing and I'm sure it could be more.

A few weeks ago I was talking to some of our ACF students, right after Michael Brown was shot, and they actually had no idea of what had happened. These are students who live in St. Louis County but still hadn't heard about the situation just a few miles east. It breaks my heart to think that there may be more that I can do to get students to think about justice and racial reconciliation.

So, my friends, my hope is that you'll join me. Regardless of where you are in the country, join me in praying for wisdom in how to be a bridge builder for St. Louis. I'm not sure what conclusions we will reach or what God will call us to do. What I do know is that it will almost certainly be more than what I am doing now.

Have an excellent day!


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