Thursday, May 15, 2014

Dinner Observations

Hello, friends!

I had a few realizations last night as I was eating dinner with a friend.

First: it doesn't quite feel like a Wednesday if I am not getting myself ready for Large Group. We've been doing ACF meetings on Wednesdays for 7 years now. There are definitely more Wednesdays that I have spent getting ready for Large Group, setting up chairs, working on PowerPoint, etc. in the past 7 years than there have been where I haven't. When I am not in Large Group mode I need to be reminded when it is a Wednesday. Yesterday was definitely one of those days.

Second: the reason not being at Large Group mode felt weird was because normally I am at Catalyst during this week.  Catalyst is our regional spring conference and because schools get off at different times we repeat the programming, making it 2 weeks long. Normally I am at both weeks helping out the first week then leading Mizzou the second week. This year, because of our trip to Cambodia, I was given Week 1 off, which is the first time I have ever not been at a week of Catalyst. It also means that if this was a normal year I would have no time to feel weird not about being in Large Group mode on a Wednesday night because I would be in Catalyst mode.

Third: it's a little boring during finals week. Students really don't want to hang out with me because they are studying for their finals. My calendar is packed once finals and Catalyst are over but it is because all my meetings have been deferred to then because folk need to study. Again, this is one of those things that I really only noticed this year because I am not at Catalyst.

Fourth: I don't mind being a little bit bored. Friends, this was a busy year. Between ACF, team leading in Columbia, looking for a church, doing stuff with the house, and a whole host of other things, I got way tired. It is nice working at a bit of a slower pace right now.

Anyway, I thought I would share some dinner observations. It isn't often I get to think about myself on a Wednesday night. =0).

Have an excellent day!


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