Friday, May 30, 2014


Hello, friends!

I just finished planning out my Saturday when I had an inspiration for a blog post that I thought I would share.

First of all, my apologies to any neighbors who are woken by my lawnmower in the morning. It is supposed to rain in the afternoon and our lawn needs a good shave. I promise to do it as quickly as possible. =0).

Anyway, as I was planning for my day, the realization that I had is that time is not going to stop when I am in Cambodia. In fact, time is going to keep moving and there will be no way to even slow it down so I can catch up when we return. This realization came when I noticed that I have stuff to do tomorrow and next week that normally would be saved for July. Guess what? July is pretty much shot in terms of planning!

I definitely can't meet with Mizzou students while in Cambodia. I could try to prep bible studies but that would take away from being fully present. Seeing ministry partners is definitely out of the question. It is not even necessarily all ministry stuff. Taking care of house stuff is literally going to be impossible.

What this means is that the next month is going to be way compact. Essentially, I need to fit 2 months worth of productivity into 1 month's time, while still preparing for Cambodiaand hosting both sides of the family at various points. Needless to say, prayers would be appreciated.

Have an excellent day!


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