Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Wonders of Techonolgy

Hello, friends! 

I'm posting from incredibly cold Columbia, MO, where one (hopefully) final polar vortex is currently making its way through town.  We didn't catch a ton of snow like earlier this season but we definitely have our share of ice and ridiculously cold winds and such right now. 

All this has made me really thankful for technology and the advances that we have made in the past bunch of years.  I know that not everything that technology has brought us has been positive but there are some times where it isn't so bad.  Here's an example. 

Yesterday we were supposed to have our Columbia Team meeting, with the interns and the volunteers.  One of the interns lives really close to us but the other intern and both volunteers live on opposite sides of town.  We were worried with the weather that we would have to cancel the meeting since it was not safe to drive. 

Enter, the wonders of technology.  Because the storm wasn't as bad as anticipated 5 out of the 6 of us were able to make the meeting but one of our volunteers couldn't make the trip.  Still, she was able to join us via Skype, which was a great thing seeing how we only meet together once a month. 

This got me thinking about the other ways that technology has made ministry easier.  I can now post video messages for our leaders meetings.  We have Facebook pages and group texts to get information out quickly.  I can even schedule when posts are going to happen so I don't have to worry about constantly being by my computer.  It's a beautiful thing. 

Well, it's a beautiful thing if I make the most of it for the glory of the kingdom.  I think that's one of the keys I have been learning about technology.  It has the chance to give me more time but I have to use that time wisely.  Playing Candy Crush probably isn't the wisest use of the it.  =0). 

Have an excellent day! 


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