Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Playing Through the Pain...

Hello, friends! 

We are just a few days into March, which means we are early into 2014 and already we may have a problem with one of my New Year's resolutions. 

One of the resolutions on the top of my list was to be able to swim a mile in 30 minutes.  Now, understand, this was a hard task from the get, seeing how it takes me about 25 minutes to swim a half mile.  But, for the past 2 weeks I have had a nagging knee problem that has kept my swim workouts, or really any workouts, to a minimum.  I'm not sure if it's a bone bruise or a muscle bruise or whatever but it definitely hurts when I bend my knees or try to put too much pressure on it, which makes exercising kind of tough. 

Fear not, my friends, we'll fight through it just fine but it may take a few days of rest and some healing prayer.  If you have the gift of healing, now would be a good time to put that into action.  =0). 

I have always had quite an injury history, which is kind of a bummer.  Ever since I was little, I've dealt with asthma, knee problems, migraines, turned ankles, muscle pulls, and the like.  Some folk just aren't meant to be athletes, I suppose. 

Every time I get injured the though that always comes to mind is "why me?"  The second thought is one of "I can get through this, no problem."  Honestly, neither one of those places is probably a good place to be.  A better place is probably a remembrance that the body I have now is a temporary one and that soon enough, I am going to be given a new body.  I hope that one can dunk. 

Have an excellent day! 


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