Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Week That Was...

Hello, friends! 

Guess who has run into a really interesting "Catch-22" of sorts?  Ok, you guessed it, it's me.  =0).  Sorry it's been so long since I've posted.  I've found that when there is a whole bunch of stuff happening I have less time to post but I have more of a need to post because of all the stuff that is happening!  It seems like doing just a quick blurb of everything doesn't do it justice but the other options are to have a super long post (in which case you probably aren't going to want to read the whole thing) or a series of posts (but we both know that I'm not going to post enough and the posts are going to get backlogged).  So, a quick-ish summary is going to have to do.  Here's a recap of the week that was:

Wednesday: Our first Large Group of the semester!  Friends, to say that it was a spectacular night would be quite an understatement.  We had 75 students show up (an all time high), Tim gave an amazing testimony of his missions trip to Thailand that he took this summer.  We had enough food for everyone, and we even had 16 students sign up for Fall Conference!  But, the best part of the night was before things even started.  We had to meet on campus which meant that parking was a bit of a beast (as always) so I had to drop off all our Large Group supplies then find a place to park.  When I got to our room, I saw all of our leaders, already there and going through the run-through of the night, right before they were going to pray.  I love our leaders. 

Thursday: Thursday, Meg and I met a guy who is interning with a local church who is interested in possibly volunteering with us at Columbia College.  We're not sure where things will go from here but it was cool to do some Team Leading stuff, which includes looking at potential hiring.  As I've said before, it's fun being an adult

Friday: On Friday, we had our first Columbia College event, which was a grill-out at our place.  I have been so proud of Charis and her desire to really see the campus reached with the Gospel.  After dinner, Charis went back on campus so she could take part in her first ever "Zombie Dance."  I'm not sure if she got any photos posted but she texted us later that she had a lot of fun, which was fine by us.  =0). 

Saturday:  Saturday was the reintroduction of one of my favorite ACF traditions: the ACF Tailgate!  Pretty much, it goes like this.  We grill up a whole bunch of food before the Mizzou game (Mizzou beat Toledo 38-23), play some games, and build relationships by baking with folk in the hot sun.  It was great to see the 25-30 folk who came out.  It was interesting to see how this event was very much an Asian American event.  We had some international students joining us but the truth is that when you put college football, grilling, heat, and lawn games together, it's probably something that is a little more "American" in tradition than anything else. 

Sunday: Now we've come to today.  Today was one of those days that had a little bit of everything.  We took a student to visit a church, bought some groceries for another student who wasn't feeling well, did a TON of admin, and then went to dinner with about a dozen students or so.  It was one of those days where there wasn't necessarily a plan but there was all sorts of stuff with students that happened anyway and you weren't going to hear us complain about it. 

So, there's the past few days!  Looking back, I didn't realize that we had something pretty big happening every day.  Both Meg and I are taking Sabbath tomorrow which is way needed.  Please be praying for us as we get ready to rest to get ready for the new week. 

Have an excellent day! 


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