Friday, July 5, 2013

Update Time!!!

Hello, friends! 

A few weeks ago, Meg and I started a partnership campaign to recruit more partners for Team Leong in Columbia this upcoming year.  It has been a truly wonderful and humbling experience for a number of different reasons. 

1) Vision casting is awesome.  Seriously, this is one of my favorite parts of the job.  There is something so exhilarating about talking to folk about what Meg and I do and asking them to be a part of it.  As many folk will be able to tell you, I get pretty excited when I start talking about the vision for Mid-Missouri.  For Meg, it's the same when she starts talking about International Student Ministry.  We both believe that God loves college students so when we get to get other people on board with that love, we are stoked! 

2) It's nice to talk to older folk.  Most of the time, Meg and I are with college students, whom we both love.  We wouldn't be doing this job if we didn't love college students.  Still, there's something nice about spending time with folk in other life stages.  We've talked to young urban professionals, parents of small children, parents of grown children, grandparents, young married couples, and had fun building relationship with each of them. 

3) Partnership is so much fun!  If you know Meg and you know me, you know that Meg and I are different in a lot of ways.  This includes how we meet with people to talk about our work.  It's taken some time but it has been a lot of fun partnering with Meg and learning how to do that well.  I think this bodes especially well for us since next year we will be on the same campus for the first time.  =0). 

Ok, how about that status update?  Well, as of today, we have met with over 30 different people, casting vision for what God is going to be doing through us in Columbia.  We've also been able to share at 2 different church services with 1 more to come.  We have over 20 new prayer partners and have raised just about 50% of our goal for this campaign.  Praise God! 

If you'd like to partner with us financially and join "Team Leong" you can do so here.  Please continue to pray for us as we partner together, and with God, to cast vision for his work in Mid-Missouri. 

Have an excellent day!


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