Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Still Learning...

Hello, friends! 

If you guys follow me on Twitter (@InterVarsityAdam) you may have seen my tweet about a deep theological truth that came to me today.  Here's the story. 

Today we had a staff meeting in Saint Louis.  Once a month all the staff in the Missouri Area come together to learn together, vision, and do some logistics stuff.  I enjoy the time because I enjoy my coworkers and it is always great to be surrounded by like-minded folk. 

Anyway, at the end of every meeting we go to dinner.  This month we went to a little Mexican restaurant down in South City by where Meg and I go to church.  On my way there, I had to stop by Walgreens to pick up a few things for home. 

Walking out of the Walgreens, I was approached by a woman with two small girls.  There were three boys, probably ages 9-13, a little ways off to the side.  She asked me if I had some money to lend her.  She was homeless and the shelters were full.  Her kids were cold and she just wanted to give them a place to stay warm for the night.  I pulled a few dollars out of my pocket and gave it to her, along with some snacks left over from the staff meeting.  From there, I went on my way to meet the rest of the team for dinner. 

As I was driving down the road, it hit me like a ton of bricks.  Jesus was asking me this question: "Why didn't you give her everything in your pocket?"  In truth, I could have given her more.  I had a $20 in my pocket but passed it to give her the ones.  I thought about the parable of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25 where Jesus says that whatever we do to the least is what we do to Him. 
Here is where I was hit with the theological truth.  Much like in that situation, oftentimes it is easy for us to follow Jesus only halfway.  Suppose that was Jesus and I only gave him part of what I had?  Even worse, I gave him a small part of what I had.  Shouldn't I be giving Jesus everything like I ask my students to give? 

There are a bunch of ways to justify my actions.  I may need the money later.  I still gave something.  I don't know how the lady is going to use the money.  None of those answers are very satisfying. 

So, where do we go from here?  Honestly, I'm not sure.  I think it is one of those things that I need to wrestle with Jesus about a little more.  Starting Saturday, Mizzou and Columbia College students are going to be doing City Lights, the region's alternative Spring Break project.  They will be working alongside those who live in the city, learning about God's heart for justice and the poor.  My prayer is that they will take to heart the lesson that I am still learning: that following Jesus means giving your everything and showing radical love to everyone. 

Have an excellent day! 


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