Sunday, March 4, 2012

Growing, growing, growing...

Hello, friends! 
Yesterday I had a meeting with my supervisor to talk about my future with InterVarsity.  One part of that conversation was centered around ways that I need to grow as a staff in order to reach my full potential and for my fellowships to reach their full potentials.  It wasn't the most fun I have ever had in a conversation, but it certainly was necessary. 

Much like with all things, there are good and bad consequences to being who you are.  For me, I have a huge amount of self confidence.  One the one hand, that is a good thing because confidence is a great characteristic to have as a leader.  It is much easier to follow someone who is confident in their abilities than someone who isn't.  On the other hand, sometimes I am blind to my areas of weakness and areas where I need to grow.  I also have a tendency to not take criticism well and get a little defensive. 

So there is a bit of a balance to be had.  On the one hand, I am a good staff worker.  On the other hand, I can be a better staff worker.

The question is why I should bother improving.  My supervisor and I both agree that if I wanted to just coast on my current abilities, things could SURVIVE.  ACF and BCM could move along and not fold as chapters.  But what fun is that?  What good does that do the kingdom?  Wouldn't I be selling my students and Mizzou short by doing that? 

Pursuing growth is a hard process.  I would love to be in a place where I could just sit in my strengths for a bit and not worry about my weaknesses.  But the payoffs are totally worth it.  By going through the tough stuff now, I set myself up for a lifetime of fruitful ministry.  Isn't that all a guy can ask for? 

One thing that was helpful about the conversation I had yesterday was the idea of using my strengths to work on my weaknesses.  That will be definitely something to be thinking about.  My normal mode is to compartmentalize my life so I think of working on my weaknesses as a separate entity.  But why I can't I have a little bit of fun and use my strengths as well? 

Prayer points:
- This week I will be in California at InterVarsity's Multi-Ethnic Staff Conference.  It will be a great time to connect with other minority staff and hear about InterVarsity's commitment to multi-ethnicity.  Please pray that it will be a fruitful time for the other staff and me.
- With both Will and me being gone at MESC, that means that Large Group will be left to the student leaders.  Please pray for Barbara, Paula, Jordan, and the rest of the leaders as they lead.  Pray for the logistics of Large Group as well. 

Have an excellent day! 


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