Friday, May 27, 2022

Dadding a Conference...

Hello, friends! 

Thanks to everyone who prayed for Getaway. Overall, there were 55 students from 24 countries and 10 different campuses in attendance. One South Korean Student gave his life to Jesus, and students from Nepal and Ivory Coast recommitted their lives to Jesus. Praise the LORD! 

I was told that everyone had a great time at Getaway. I'm not entirely sure because I was living that Staff Spouse life, which looks a little something like this: 

Personally, Getaway was a totally different experience. Normally, when I'm at an InterVarsity event, I'm staffing that event. I'll be connecting with students, checking in on staff, setting up something for the next session, or something of that nature. There have been times before when Megan and I would swap sessions so someone could watch the kids at an InterVarsity thing while the other led, but this was the first time that I've ever been at an InterVarsity function where my only job was to watch the kids. It was something else having to fight muscle memory at mealtimes and not go meet random students. At night, when I was brushing teeth and helping kids put on jammies instead of being in the main session, it was a little odd. 

And yet, it worked out fine. It was fun to be with the kids and watch them have fun and make new friends. I totally knew that Megan and her team would do an amazing job and not need me, which of course, was true. I didn't even mind getting more sleep than I would normally get because I was on the a family schedule and not a staff schedule. Everything worked out fine. 

My hope is that Megan will write up a little something for the blog about her Getaway experience, since that one would be much more about Getaway. But, I'm happy to be a staff spouse, happy to be a staff dad, and happy to have experienced the non-working conference life. 

Have an excellent day!


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