Friday, April 22, 2022

Thanks For A Great Year, Nebraska ACF!

Hello, friends! 

A little while after we moved to Omaha, we got word that there was a bible study for Asian Americans starting at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln (#Cornhuskers). Always looking to help, and certainly interested in Asian American ministries, Megan and I took a trip down to visit them with Ezra and Thaliea. (I know there's a photo around somewhere, I just can't seem to find it...)

Last night, Nebraska ACF had its last meeting of the year and it was a momentous occasion. For two of its members, it was their last ACF bible study ever! For the past 4 years, they had been faithful attendees, hanging out, participating (and even leading!) bible studies, and generally being good friends and older brothers to the others in the group. Last night, it was bittersweet as we remembered all the good times and mourned that this part of their journey with Jesus was over. 

Sitting there, listening to them share about what ACF has meant to them and what they meant to the younger members of the group, I was reminded of why I love Asian American ministry so much. There's something special about a group of Asian Americans meeting in an apartment, eating food together, making fun of each other, trying to grow closer to God, and ultimately becoming something that resembles family away from home. I didn't get to spend a TON of time with those guys, seeing as how I was only out there twice a month for the past few months, but I was still able to see how they were the elder statesmen of the group, how they cared for the younger students, and how they were admired by those same students. 

Back when I was doing full time student ministry, every year, right around this time, as Seniors were getting ready to depart, I'd have conversation with younger students, trying to calm down students who were worried about what we were going to do without the Seniors. The answer was always the same: younger students will step up; things will be different; God will still be good. And, every year, without fail, younger students stepped up; things were different; and God was still good. I can already tell that the group is going to be fine next year. They have some great younger students who are willing to lead, even if they don't feel totally ready or able. I'm excited to have a full year with them, excited to see which younger students will step up, and excited to see how God shows his goodness. 

Here's to you, Nebraska ACF! Thanks for letting me be a part of your group this semester. =0). 

Have an excellent day! 


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