Thursday, October 15, 2020

COVID Prayers

Hello, friends! 

Tuesday morning, I woke up with a tightness in my chest and some body aches. I didn't have a fever but decided that self-isolating and getting a test done was the right call, just to be on the safe side. 

COVID symptoms are really hard to diagnose. On Monday I went to the dentist and was sitting in a position that wasn't very comfortable. When I got out of the chair, my neck definitely hurt. Were the body aches because of my body being out of alignment, or COVID? I am an asthmatic and have athletically induced asthma. Monday evening we went on a walk and I was running a bit with the kids. My allergies have also been active. Are those reasons I had some chest tightness, or is it COVID? It's hard to say. 

If I did get COVID, it'd be from 1 of 4 spots. I ran errands on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so it could be from any one of those places, although I was masked up and everyone else I saw was wearing a mask too. It could have been Ezra's soccer game on Saturday, as he and I were the only ones wearing masks (Thaliea and Megan were wearing their masks on a different field because Thaliea had soccer at the same time) but that was outdoors and besides the kids (I'm assistant coach) I wasn't interacting with anyone else. 

Another hard part of this whole scenario was the decision of whether or not to get the test. I could have easily chalked my symptoms up to being out of alignment and the running but then I run the risk of infecting others if I do actually have it. On the other hand, the test I took yesterday takes between 1-3 days to get results and I couldn't get a rapid test until tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon, so I'm isolated downstairs, Meg is running solo, and Ezra didn't go to school today in case I am COVID positive. 

So, that's where we are. I'm feeling much better today and will know sometime tomorrow at the latest if I'm COVID positive. Until then, please pray for me, for my family, and for all those who continue to deal with the uncertainty of life during a pandemic. 

Have an excellent day!


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