Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Onward to Aggie-land!

Hello, friends!

If everything goes according to plan, I'll be blogging next week as part of my normal posting schedule. Knowing how life works and certain that things will NOT go according to plan, I'm going to post about what's happening next week and we'll go from there. =0).

One of my jobs is as director of an evangelism project for InterVarsity's Asian American Ministries (AAM). I was part of an AAM chapter at WashU (Go Bears!), planted an AAM Chapter at Mizzou (#ACFFTW), and have been Asian American for my entire life, so the opportunity to do something directly with the AAM department had a lot of appeal.

My project centers around working with AAM chapters in reaching secular AA organizations on campus, focusing on collaborative events as a way to build relationship and open students up to Jesus. Oftentimes, especially at predominantly white institutions (PWI's), reaching AA students can be a tough go because they are so spread out around campus. AA secular organizations (like the Asian American Association, Korean Student Association, etc.) is a great mission field for AAM chapters because lots of AA students are all concentrated in one place.

The two AAM Chapters I'm working with are at Texas A&M and The Ohio State University. The group at OSU is focusing on the Khmer Student Association (KHSA) and A&M is reaching the Filipino Student Association (FilSA) on campus. It's been a ton of fun working with these students and staff and seeing the ways that they are building relationships with other groups on campus.

Next weekend, I'll get to visit A&M and do a little "on the ground" observation and training. I'm looking forward to meeting with the students, doing some training, eating some tasty food, and generally being the "fun uncle" who pays for a bunch of things while he's in town. I'd like to think that role suits me well. =0).

Friends, I'd love your prayer next weekend as I travel. Here are a few specific ways to pray.
- Journey's mercies. My travel includes a flight into Houston and a 2 hour drive to College Station from there. Please pray for good weather, good roads, and a generally pleasant travel experience.
- Student connection. I'm excited to be back in the think of things with students again. Please pray not only that I'll be able to meet students but that I'll be able to connect those students to InterVarsity students so when I leave, relationship can continue.
- Family. I'll be leaving Thursday morning and coming back Saturday afternoon, so that'll be a good chunk of time that Meg will be riding solo with the kids. Please pray for rest for her and naps for them.

Have an excellent day!


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