Thursday, October 12, 2017

Riding Solo and riding stronger...

Hello, friends!

If there are ever any questions about who is stronger between Meg and me, let these past few days next few days be a reminder that Meg is definitely the stronger of the two of us.

Our story begins last week when Ezra came home with a stomach bug. We aren't sure where he caught it but our guess is that it's from daycare. Well, since our boy Ezra is great at sharing, he decided that he wanted to share his newfound illness with his family! First, he gave it to his sister. Then, they shared it together with Meg. Finally, I was the last on the list to get this generous gift. All you have to do is look at how Meg and handled our illnesses. What does Meg do while she's sick? The same things she always does. She cooked delicious meals. She hung out with the kids. She did some cleaning and generally made sure that our house didn't fall apart. Of course, I wasn't a completely negligent parent/husband so I was there too, helping out, and especially changing all the poop diapers when the smell got to strong. The important thing to note is that Meg's taking care of us didn't change at all. She still even managed to meet with folk and get some work done.

Now, and Tuesday, when I was sick, that's a different story entirely. What did I do? I slept. I got up for a little bit to change a diaper and play with the kids but for the most part, I slept. Why? Because I was sick and I'm not as strong as my wife. =0). Me being sick meant her parenting solo for the most part. Her being sick? That was business as usual.

Fast forward to these next few days. This weekend, I'll be heading to Baltimore to visit a campus I'm coaching and attend a wedding of a roommate from college (congrats, Vic!). Meg will be riding solo from Friday evening through Monday morning. That means 3 bedtimes, at least 2 baths for Ezra, more than a handful of meals, a trip to church, and at least 2 naps. What's going to change because I'm not around? Nothing. Because my wife is super strong and a total boss.

HOWEVER, today, Meg and Thaliea are in Lawrence, KS doing a staff visit. That means that Ezra and I are riding solo for the evening. He took a bath last night and he's been at daycare all day today so pretty much my job riding solo requires me picking him up from daycare, feeding him, and getting him ready for bed. Do you know what's going to change from the normal routine? Allow me to illustrate...

This is not a home cooked meal. This is not at our house. This is not part of the normal routine. Why? Because I am weak, or at least weaker than my wife.

Mind you, I know that I'm totally falling into a stereotype about fathers vs. mothers. I'm well aware that not every dad is like this. I also am capable of cooking for, cleaning up after, and generally keeping my son and daughter alive and well. It's just so much easier to do it this way... because I'm weak.

So, if you have a moment, please be praying for my family this weekend. I'll be away so please pray an extra dose of strength for my extra strong wife. Pray that the kids will eat well, nap well, and not miss their Daddy too much.

Have an excellent day!


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