Thursday, October 5, 2017

29 Lives Changed...

Hello, friends!

We are back from Fall Conference and International Fall Retreat! To say that we Jesus was there would be an understatement for sure. Between the two conferences, we say 27 students recommit their lives to Jesus and 2 students make first time decisions! Praise the LORD!

This was a different conference/retreat for Meg and me in a number of ways. First of all, this was the first time in a while that we were staffing two different conferences simultaneously. The past few years, we've found that our international students needed something a little bit different than what a traditional Fall Conference could offer. This year, Meg and our other ISM focused staff put together the Fall Retreat, which looked like tons of fun. The meal times and rec times were the same but our content and structure were very different. I'd say it was a smashing success!

Another big difference this year was for me. The past 3 years I served as the Fall Conference director. My job was to do a little bit of everything. I worked with my team to make sure that we had seminars, free time, hospitality, worship, and the speaker all set up and ready to go. I led the staff meetings, checked in on registration, and made sure that all of our logistics were set. This year, I led a seminar... and that was all. I also checked in on my Lincoln students and took care of some family stuff (more on that in a second) but overall, it was a pretty chill weekend. I'm not sure which one I like better, being in the thick of everything vs. having a slower pace, but it definitely was different.

One last big difference was having Thaliea with us. Ezra stayed at my aunt's place over the weekend but Thaliea came with us. She was SUPER popular (because, of course!) and it felt like Meg and I did a good job of coordinating our schedules such that we could both be fully present while also making sure we were watching her. Thaliea and I went on a number of walks around the camp ground and had more than our fair share of smile contests. I changed diapers and rocked her to sleep. It was pretty great.

So, with another Fall Conference in the books, it's time for the rest of the semester. Praise Jesus for the lives that were changed this weekend. Would you please pray with us that we will be able to follow up well with those students who made decisions, and that God will continue to work in their lives moving forward.

Have an excellent day!


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