Tuesday, October 4, 2016

New Life at Lincoln!

Hello, friends!

I'm still working on finishing up everything from Fall Conference so there will be a blog post recapping that coming in the next week or so. Until then, I wanted to share this story with y'all that I wanted to share last week but I moved it back a week because of Fall Conference. Enjoy!

To give some context, one of the things that we do in InterVarsity is a "proxe station." These are interactive Gospel displays that are eye catching and artistic in a way that draws in students. The basic model of the proxe is 4 steps:
- Invite students to make a statement about the world
- Invite students to then make a statement about their personal worlds
- Share with them a bible passage that speaks to the conversations you've been having already
- Present the Gospel using the "4 circles" diagram and ask them to make a decision (you can see the 4 circles Gospel presentation here).

Yesterday I did the Hope Proxe at Lincoln. I've been doing proxes at Lincoln for the past year or so which has been fun but a little frustrating. Most of the students who come through identify themselves as in Circle 4 (working towards change in the world) but in conversation, they're probably more like Circle 1 (their world is great with no problems) folk.

However, just in this past month I've already met more "Circle 2" (their world is broken) folk than ever. It's been really exciting.

D came up to the proxe and asked what it was. We walked through the proxe and talked a little. He's a freshman who just moved to Mid-MO a little while back to live with his dad. He said his mom is a Christian, his dad is an atheist and he's not really religious but if he had to choose something, he'd probably choose being a Christian since that was how he was brought up.

We made it to the 4 circles diagram and as I explained it to him, he got really excited about circles 3 and 4. He said, "this makes total sense!" I asked him where he identified himself and he said Circle 2 but that Circles 3 and 4 sounded really great. I invited him to make a decision right then to follow Jesus and he said "yes!" We prayed, chatted a little more, and he went on his way, a new believer. We're going to be doing the Deeply Rooted book starting next week.

This is the first conversion at Lincoln University through InterVarsity. Praise Jesus for his faithfulness!

Have an excellent day! 


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