Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Final Month of School...

Hello, friends!

We have entered April, which means that we have entered the final month of the year. Every year it comes, every year it feels like I'm unprepared for it coming, and every year, I have an opportunity to trust in Jesus to do some good work.

The end of the Spring Semester always feels different than the end of the Fall Semester because of the sense of finality. Both semesters are 15 weeks in length. Both semesters have a week break in them (Spring Break or Thanksgiving). Both semesters should run about the same. But, there's something different about the end of the Spring Semester. I think it's because at the end of the Fall Semester, you know that in 4 weeks, students will be back and you can keep going. It's OK to leave stuff hanging because in a month you can pick things up again. Of course, you don't want there to be any loose ends but if there are, you can pick up again in January.

With the end of the Spring Semester, that's not really the case. The break after is 3 times as long. You are also losing Seniors, so anything that doesn't get done with them isn't going to get done. It's just a different feel.

As we enter the final month of the semester, I'm still trying to figure out what my goals are. There is a temptation to coast to the end of the semester, assuming that the semester is over. I know that isn't the case though. God can work in the last month of the semester. Students are less available than they are in the beginning of the semester but that doesn't mean they aren't there. There is still much work to be done.

So, here are my goals for the final month of the year. Prayer for all of these would be much appreciated:

- Decide on Springfield: There's been some movement with students at Missouri State in Springfield, MO but we're still not sure if we're going to commit to trying to plant a chapter there. That decision determines a lot of my year next year. We need to make that call.

- Proxe every week at Lincoln: The past few weeks we've been rained out and winded out of doing the proxes as Lincoln. Wednesday is looking good so we're hoping things will go better. If not, I'm going to set up a smaller display inside the cafeteria and see if we can have some conversations there.

- Raise $3000. We have 3 weeks left in our $6,000 matching grant. Pretty much a donor has told us that if we can raise $6000, she'll match it, giving us $12,000 total. Praise Jesus, we've already raised just about half of that! Still, there's still some work to be done. That means more meetings, more appointments, and more asks.

That's it! If I can get those 3 things done, I'll consider it a good end of the year. It combines 3 of my favorite parts of this job. I love planting, I love evangelism, and I love ministry partnership development.

Have an excellent day!


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