Thursday, January 14, 2016

Looking Back at 30...

Hello, friends!

First of all, thanks so much to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. It has been a pretty great day. I got up early to get some work done, Meg and I had lunch, she made an AMAZING ice cream cake, and Ezra and I got to play.

As today was approaching, I got to thinking about how big of a year 30 was for me. Here are some highlights:

- I became a father! If that isn't a huge life change, I really don't know what is.
- I left the help of Mizzou ACF. After 8 years of being in charge, this past year was the first that I wasn't running the show.
- I started something new at Lincoln University. It's been a wild semester and I'm looking forward to another new adventure there this Spring.
- I had some breakthroughs in my ethnic identity journey. The #BlackLivesMatter issue really made me ask myself some tough questions, make some real decisions, and take some serious risks. Through it all, God has shown me a lot about myself, including how I see myself as a Chinese American, my voice in the greater issue of systemic racism, and how I can bring the Gospel to those who are different from me.

I don't know what 31 will hold for me. I know that it's going to be the year of faithfulness. I know that there will be joys and there will be trials. I know that God will be good. I know that I'll keep blogging. I know that a few of you will keep reading and I know that I'll be grateful for your support. =0).

Here's to (at least) 31 more years!

Have an excellent day!


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