Sunday, November 16, 2014

Happy Early Thanksgiving!

Hello, friends!

First of all, thanks to everyone who was praying for Jordan's event last night. He texted me and said that things went really well. =0).

I mentioned this briefly in my last post that Saturday night, International Christian Fellowship (The InterVarsity Group that Megan is planting at Mizzou) had an international Thanksgiving dinner. Friends, it was a huge hit and a total blast!

By my count, we had over 50 international students in attendance, including a few kiddos. For many of these students, it was their first time experiencing an "American Thanksgiving," especially considering that many of the students have only been in the US for a few months. They got to meet Americans from our church, learn about the history of Thanksgiving, and eat all sorts of traditional Thanksgiving foods. The cranberry sauce was particularly popular.

Speaking of delicious food, we couldn't have done it without the help of our friends from Chrisitan Fellowship Church. Members of the church not only brought all sorts of delicious food, turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn casserole, and the like, but many of them stayed and ate with us. It's so amazing to be part of a great community that loves and supports what we do. The good people of CF have even organized other folk from the church to host students who have nowhere to go for Thanksgiving day!

Can I stop a moment and dote on my wife, by the way? Megan did an amazing job putting all this together. She recruited students to attend as well as folk from the church to cook and stay for dinner. She coordinated the program and the rides. She handled the set up and the cleanup. She also socialized with students and made everyone feel welcome. She pretty much nailed it.

Here's a photo from our group. Here's hoping that everyone in attendance had a good time and were blessed by the meal.

Have an excellent day!


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