Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hooray for Resolutions!

Hello, friends! 

First, let's get this out of the way.  Happy New Year!  Here's hoping that 2014 kicks 2013's butt in every possible way.  =0). 

This is right about the time when folk start looking for New Year's resolutions and I am definitely no different.  Last week I shared about Meg's resolution, in which I will be joining her, but I thought it'd be a good idea for me to come up with a few of my own.

Last year, I had 3 resolutions.  The first was to become ambidextrous, particularly at using chopsticks, writing, and throwing a ball.  There was some progress made but not nearly as much as I would have liked in all three of those areas.  The second resolution was to pass my friend Chioma in tweets.  On January 1, 2013 I was behind about 1200 tweets.  Through hard work and a little bit of secrecy, I was able to pass her.  =0).  I also had my "odd year no soda" resolution that went by pretty successfully. 

I am very much a task-oriented person so I take these resolutions very seriously.  I've been thinking about these for the past few weeks now and have come up with a bunch of different resolutions I could make.  One of the things that I've been learning though is that I don't have as much time as I used to have and that 15 resolutions probably isn't a good idea.  So, I've decided to keep things simple and utilize some prayer in deciding where I should be focusing my time and energy in 2014. 

My thought process went along 3 different lines.  The first was "What didn't I accomplish in 2013?"  This pretty much would have been me recycling my ambidextrous resolutions but only focusing on those.  As I thought about it more, I decided that being able to throw a ball as well with my left hand as my right probably isn't going improve my life a ton so that went by the wayside. 

Another train of thought was the idea of "What do I want to do before I turn 30?"  All the resolutions here had the number 30 attached to them.  Read 30 books.  Swim a mile in under 30 minutes.  Jump 30 inches (thus being able to dunk).  Average working out 30 hours per week.  Lose 30 pounds.  These weren't bad, and I may end up still doing some of these, but it still didn't feel quite right. 

Prayer is an amazing thing, isn't it?  As I was praying a few days ago about these resolutions, the word that kept popping into my head was "water."  I thought and prayed about it more but I couldn't quite shake it.  So, I decided that this year, my resolutions are going to be about water.

- I resolve to swim a mile in under 30 minutes.  For some folk this may seem like an easy goal but I always say that we Leongs are not a sea-faring people.  My hope is that by focusing on swimming, it'll lead to better triathlon times and overall health. 
- I resolve to drink 64 ounces (2.5 water bottles) of water a day.  Drinking water is good for you, isn't it?  Megan is always saying that I don't drink enough water.  We'll see if she's right.  =0). 
- I resolve to be thinking more evangelistically, bringing the living water of the Gospel to those around me.  I didn't want to have a metric for this one.  Saying, I resolve to bring 3 people to Jesus, seemed a little heretical.  Still, my hope is that I will look for more opportunities to shore the Gospel with those I encounter, especially my neighbors.  Here's hoping for some great fruit! 

So, there's that!  We'll see how this goes but my hope is that these water resolutions will lead me to being a better man and follower of Jesus. 

Have an excellent day! 


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