Friday, December 4, 2020

Quarantine Thanksgiving

Hello, friends!

I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, however you celebrated. After much deliberation and consternation, we decided to stay home and have our Thanksgiving in Omaha. It was a bummer to not be able to see family but we felt like it was the right thing for us to do.

So, what did we do? I'm glad you asked!

Despite it just being the 5 of us, we still wanted to have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. So, preparations actually started the day before when Megan started banking rolls. I love bread and I actually enjoy baking bread, but I can't figure out yeast for the life of me. As you can see, that wasn't a problem for her. She also started making the green bean casserole so we could do a side swap with some friends of ours. We would send over some rolls and green bean casserole and they offered baked mac and cheese and cheesecake.

Thanksgiving day itself was actually a lot of fun. The kids weren't up too early so we were able to sleep in a bit. We spent most of the morning watching the Thanksgiving Day parade and the kids helped me make cranberry sauce while Megan continued to cook up a storm. 

We had a light lunch and after resting time for the kids, Ezra and I went for a Turkey Trot. The boy did 1.5 miles in about 20 minutes, which isn't too bad for a 5 year old!

At 3, we had a Zoom Birthday Party for Jonah since Thursday was also his first birthday, complete with smash cake and songs. He was a fan. =0).

Dinner was an absolute feast. Megan made turkey, rolls, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, and green bean casserole. I added stuffing and cranberry sauce. Our friends pitched in the mac and cheese, completing the plate. For dessert, there was homemade pumpkin pie, the rest of the smash cake, and some cheesecake. It was pretty great.

Our night ended with both versions of the Peanuts Thanksgiving. There's the traditional version, which is great, but my favorite version is actually the one where the Peanuts gang are kids on the Mayflower and you learn all about their voyage. Isn't learning the best?!

All in all, it was a total success of a day. Of course, seeing family would have been great but given the circumstances, I'd say that we did ok. 

Have an excellent day!


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