Friday, April 17, 2020

Distress Day!!!

Hello, friends!

Did you miss me last week? Maybe you didn't notice, but there was no blog post last week. Why not? Did I run out of things to say? Well, if you know me, you know that will never be the case. =0). Nope, I just decided that last week, I was going to take one of my new "Distress Days."

After the COVID-19 pandemic pretty much shut down society, things definitely changed for everyone, InterVarsity staff included. When campuses across the country closed for the semester, our model of ministry had to be adjusted, but that wasn't all. Much like many of you, many of us had to navigate new school, family, and daycare situations. To say that this transition has been trying on all of us would be an understatement.

In response to all these changes in life circumstances, InterVarsity gave every paid staff 20 "Distress Days" to use before the end of June. These aren't quite paid vacation days, but rather margin for us to not have to worry about the added stress of "working enough" while also trying to balance and cover all the other aspects of life. I'm so thankful to InterVarsity for their generosity and willingness to care well for their employees.

Most of my distress days are going to be taken in the form of fewer hours worked each week when I'm on kid duty. Megan and I have adjusted our schedules so that we are both working some (albeit less that pre-COVID-19) and both doing school with the kids. (Note: she's doing more with the kids because she's the best). However, last week, I decided that I was going to actually take off a full day to spend with my family.

What did we do? Well, about a half hour outside of Omaha is a wild animal park. For the month of April, it's free to zoo members and you can drive through the park and look at the elk, deer, bison, and birds. The kids love it because when we are driving through the park we let them sit up front so they can see better. Megan and I like it because we can get out of the house for a bit. The rest of the day was just hanging out with my family. We played some games. We wrestled some. It was nice.

My next full Distress Day isn't scheduled right now. I have a lot of big projects on the horizon that require all my time (more on those later). Still, I am thinking that I should put one on the schedule before too long. The last one was tons of fun and a blessing for sure. I wouldn't mind experiencing that again.

Have an excellent day!


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