Thursday, August 24, 2017

Empowering Students...

Hello, friends!

Below are two photos. See if you can spot something significant:

Did you see students at Lincoln University engaging with the Gospel? That's significant, but not what I was going for.

Do you see lots of great conversations happening around how Jesus gives us hope in the midst of a broken world? Again, that's there too, but not what I'm after.

Do you see Black and White students being challenged to think about how to be bringers of justice, peace, and healing on their campus? That's definitely in there... but not quite what I want you to see.

I suppose, I should give you a hint. What do you NOT see? Or rather, WHO do you not see? If you answered, "Adam," you're absolutely right!

There's something beautiful about being able to take a photo of students doing evangelism because there are enough students doing evangelism that every student who comes by is covered. Think about that.

InterVarsity's vision is to see students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed. I have a hard time believe that anything could better depict that vision than seeing students publicly telling their friends about Jesus on campus. I've been doing Proxe stations on the campus for Lincoln for about 2 years now. Usually, it's just me and a local pastor friend at it, week after week. I've had a number of great conversations, led some folk to Jesus, and generally been received positively on campus. Still, there's something so beautiful about NOT having to be the one to carry the burden, but to see students taking the lead.

Friends, this is why we do what we do. This is it right here. We want InterVarsity students to follow Jesus into mission on campus. We want them to be willing to be bold about their faith. We want them to be willing to take risks and to put themselves out there because the Gospel is worth it. The photos above are why we do what we do. Here's to a great semester of more.

Have an excellent day!


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