Sunday, February 23, 2014

Goodbye, Old Friend

Hello, friends! 

It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of my beloved car, The Rolla.  After 300,589 miles, the engine finally gave out.  The only remedy is a full engine repair which would cost considerably more than the car is worth (at least in monetary terms).  The Rolla will be donated to Kars4Kids on Monday. 

The Rolla didn't suffer at all.  Megan and I were on our way to Kansas City so she could catch a flight to Minneapolis to visit her sister and our new nephew.  While driving on 70, the check engine light came on, which has never happened as long as I've owned the car.  Then it started to rattle, a piece of the engine fell out the bottom, and I couldn't accelerate anymore.  I coasted to the side of the road, called AAA for a tow, and that was that. 

Friends, it's been an incredible ride with the Rolla.  My goal was to get it to 300k and we got there.  The Rolla has driven through California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.  It has survived cracked windshields, terrible weather, and less than wonderful driving conditions.  I never had to spend more than $800 a year on repairs.  The Rolla once got 48 miles to the gallon and only once got less than 20 mpg, averaging about 36 mpg for its life. 

So, goodbye, old friend.  You have been there for me, driving back and forth between Columbia and St. Louis for so many years.  You helped me keep my job.  You helped me maintain my relationship with the wonderful woman who is now my wife.  I did my best to treat you well and I know that you did the same for me. 

Have an excellent day! 


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